Happy Belated -- A Small Tribute
I've had one of the most insane weeks ever so bear with me while I catch up on my blogging!
It has been brought to my attention that I missed my favorite little crackhead's birthday! HOW COULD I DO THAT? Someone should just take me out in the back yard, shoot me and put me out of my misery!
Lindsay Morgan Lohan turned 20 on July 2! Awww...she's no longer a teen. There goes a perfectly good excuse for the stunts she pulls. It appears as if she got her boobs back just in time for her 20th birthday. Or maybe she just got boobs for her 20th birthday. Whatever the case, the girls are back in town...all that "eating healthy" and "working with the trainer" made her sprout a new set.
What a difference "working with a trainer" and "eating healthy" make...it was just a short year-ish ago that she looked like this:
It's nice to see that Lindsay can remain friends with Nicole even though she currently looks like a heifer. I'm surprised that Nicole's skin and bones would allow Lindsay's fat cells near her. I hear fat is contagious. I bet Linds finally mastered doing coke and still eating enough to maintain a normal-looking body. That takes a while. Below is a recent picture of Lindsay and her little blow buddy at a party. It appears as if maybe white and Christian Louboutin was a theme at the party -- or maybe Rachel Zoe just "dressed" a bunch of the girls there. We all know the only look she's mastered is "clone." White is actually a good color for them. It'll hide the after-blow well (the stuff that comes back out of the nose and falls onto the clothes) unless of course they're going to LAX because they have these fun little sensors that will detect cocaine on your clothes and they aren't afraid to use them. Then they pull you aside and unpack the suitcase that took an hour and a half to pack, search through everything...all of a sudden you're running late for your flight and you're trying to figure out what sweater was the culprit and who to blame. Just for fun, check out the guy seated on the right side of this picture. Isn't that one of the most unfortunate outfits you've seen all week?
Don't you remember how Lohan said that she didn't really know Paris or Nicole? That neither were ever her friend? LOL......and her boobs are real and she doesn't do coke either.
that guy in the 'unfortunate' outfit is prob. perez hilton. :-)
i heard nicole has magical powers; if she turns sideways she can completely disappear.
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