Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A Picture

I'm just going to get started on those 1,000 words this is supposed to be worth:

Nice glasses. Did you steal them off Carol Channing's corpse?
Are you Carol Channing's corpse?
Wait, Carol Channing isn't dead. Good for her.
Your face just looks more and more like the skull model in my doctor's office.
If you can't pull of the "skinny jeans" look, nobody can.
Nice rims. I wonder if they're standard issue on that SUV.
That scarf looks like a blanket on you. I bet it'd look like a scarf on me.
I'd choose heels over those Isotoner slippers any day.
Is Pucci still in? I was never a fan.
Talk about brittle hair syndrome. You should try some olive oil cholesterol on that shit.
Do you do anything except walk around on the streets looking skinny or pose on red carpets? If you did I might have more interesting posts about you. Until then we're just going to have to look at random pictures.
Isn't there some minion you get to pick up your dry cleaning?
I bet it's actually an alteration. That would make sense then. You'd have to try it on.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh..for some reason I love this bitch. I think she is so cute.....but I hate the glasses and skinny jeans.

xine said...

I make fun but my glasses are huge. My hair is a mess just like that which is why I suggested the olive oil cholesterol. I think I have the same headband on. I broke my skinny jeans though.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

she's getting skinnier.