Tuesday, January 24, 2006

KSped Breakin' It Down

OK. Am I the only person that thinks KSped is kinda hot? I mean, I'm pretty sure I'd hit it. Well, that was before I saw this video...

GOD HELP ALL OF US, and God.... please pay special attention to SPF, who i'm sure will have the brainpower similar to a powertool.

1 comment:

xine said...

Ok. The song is a little catchy. Don’t hate – that’s just how I honestly feel. It’s better than that god damn “Laffy Taffy” tragedy that’s being played-out at clubs everywhere. You know if it was some random rapper and not KSPED it would be an instant hit. People would be walking around with PopoZao ringtones and tshirts while blasting the song from their Escalades…you know the deal. Moving on to the man…he looks like he's having some sort of seizure. The video makes me want to turn off the music and medicate him. I now need to listen to Steve Winwood and take a nap.