Wednesday, April 12, 2006

FASHION FIX: No Long Island Louis Vuitton

Rumors were swirling that Lindsay Lohan was going to be the next freckled face of Louis Vuitton. What better representative for a brand that's now known mostly for it's ugly, cheap knockoffs than a (you fill in the two adjectives-- I'm not feeling too mean this morning) actress? Well Marc Jacobs probably took one look at this elf-y picture of Lohan and her crusty, chipped nail polish and decided against her. Apparently Lindsay was too "american" for the global brand. Unfortunately he was still on a crack binge because he's decided to hand the exclusive contract to the assistant-beating queen of class Naomi Campbell.

PS. Is that a red "ana" bracelet I see on her arm? You know that bitch isn't into Kaballah.


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