Monday, April 10, 2006

Fishsticks has a guppy

Gwennie finally burst and let forth a boy. I'm sure they'll come up with some ridiculous name for it (Crumb Cake? Pie a la Mode?). Hopefully, this means she'll not be in public for a while, and will not issue any inane statements about how much better British people are than Americans.

Regardless, congratulations to her, and Chris Martin, and his U2 cover band. Even l'il Apple doesn't like his music.

UPDATE: They named the kid Moses. Apparently, they're working their way through the Old Testament. Next up, Methuselah!


dino said...

i love it... his U2 cover band... U CRACK ME UP JULIA-SON!

xine said...

I love it to...I totally think they should name him "pie a la mode". :)