Sunday, April 16, 2006

Hohan blowed

You know that whole saying about "not being able to act your way out of a paper bag?" Yeah well, I don't necessarily understand that expression but I do know it means you can't act. After Lindsay Lohan's awful performance on SNL last Saturday I'm convinced she couldn't act her way out of a paper bag. All she did was flub her lines, slam her hands and overact. Oh, and you know she didn't actually eat that cake. Hopefully they won't be so hard up for a host that they use her for a fourth time because I'm not watching. Seriously, Lindsay Lohan and Pearl Jam -- that just sounds like a bad lineup of desperation. She's been on the show three times and each time the put her in fewer and fewer sketches while her performance gets worse and worse. I was honestly sorry I stayed up for it. ...and p.s. what was up with her scratchy coke voice?

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