Thursday, April 20, 2006

One Randy 'n' Rockin' Blind Vice

Spring fever! It's here, darlings. I knew it was when a very de-lish lass spared no moist detail as she related her mattress mash-up with an action-remake director. Will they meet again?
Oh, who cares! We have better thumpin' things to talk about today. Like, say, crooner Dinky Rider and his pretty damn serious girlfriend, Clenched Class.

Here's what's funny: C.C. is so sumptuous (though some would call the babe prissy) that it's hard to picture her in something as common and practical as...a bus. Yet D.R. is quite the opposite when it comes to moving vehicles (his private parts most definitely included).
There was a concert. Girlies galore were stampeding Mr. R., who was doing his best to shun the horny honeys, as things are superserious between C. 'n' D.

Keep that lovely sentiment in mind while we zoom in on a bus parked backstage for Dinky's private use. Frantic fans, journalists and roadies milled about, soaking up the fun-ass scene. And then a door opened from Dink's wheels. And a remarkably curvy gal emerged with that look on her face, you know--the glow. Wonder if said peach-puss had anything to do with muffled screams and quiet moans heard prior from same locale? Hmmm.

Two points of note: Mystery bedhead babe is a very different body type from C.C. All they have in common is...well, I won't say. I wouldn't want Clenched to come after me with a blow dryer or anything.

I want to say Nicole Kidman/Keith Urban -- she seems like she wouldn't ride in a bus but he probably would. I wouldn't necessarily say she's sumptuous but definitely a little prissy. The mystery bedhead is curvey and Ted says that bedhead is a different body type from Clenched Class. Nicole Kidman is one skipped meal away from being completely ana so that might make sense. I also thought it could've been J.Lo until I saw the clue. Dino's guess was Hilary Duff and that guy from that punk band. Whatcha think?


OldWiseOne said...

I think you're right on the money with Nicole and Keith. The blowdryer comment points to Urban, plus Ted's use of the term "stampeding" makes me think it's someone country.

Anonymous said...

Once again...going w/Xine on this one