Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Placenta: It's what's for dinner

First Tom met Katie Holmes. Then we had the couch jumping. The quick proposal. The glib Matt Lauer pyschotropic drug debate. The bad press. The baby announcement. The Scientology silent birth. The list goes on and on.... Get ready for the best of them all:

Apparently Tom told GQ magazine: "I'm going to eat the placenta. I thought that would be good. Very nutritious. I'm going to eat the cord and the placenta right there." Tom read somewhere that it contains nutrients and vitamins. Sounds yummy. My thoughts: why don't you just try a salad and a One-A-Day for men, Tom? Don't Scientologist already take a shitload of vitamins or something? This guy is a total freak show and a half. He doesn't think psychotropic drugs help individuals with mental illness but he'll eat afterbirth because it contains a high amounts of nutrients and vitamins -- nutrients and vitamins that we, as in modern western society, can easily find in food at the grocery store. Tom, it's 2006 and you live in America -- people don't do this. God, anyone want to come over to dine on my next period? Didn't think so.

The article also says that Rod Stewart and his fiancée did some freaky things with their recent baby's placents: they covered it with tea tree oil and buried it in their garden...which I'm sad to seems much more normal than Tom's little plan. [source]


Anonymous said...

Sorry to say, but biologically, placenta and the priod's fluid is not yuite the same. Nevertheless, I wouldn't eat either.

dino said...

since when is this a forum for scientific banter? SHUT UP!

xine said...

Oh, I know that silly! I'm a woman -- of course I know placenta and menstruation aren't the same thing. It was just for vulgar effect.

People should really stop taking everything I say so literally. I'm totally nutty. I say crazy things.

Anonymous said...


READ THIS!!! I've read the actual book. It's fascinating.

Anonymous said...

ewwwwwwwww. i think i just threw up in my mouth a little. yuck yuck yuck.