Wednesday, April 19, 2006

YOUR 15 MINUTES: Anonymous Homeless Man

Here's a story to tug on your rusted, bitter heartstrings...

An anonymous homeless man, we’ll call him AHM for short, was digging through the garbage in Santa Ana, California and came across a wallet with $900 in cash and credit cards. Sounds like a lucky jackpot day for a homeless guy, right?

Well obviously I wouldn’t be writing about this if AHM kept the money. Yup, he returned the wallet and the money to Kim Bogue, a janitor in the city's government buildings and a native of Thailand who obviously isn’t Americanized enough to know that one shouldn’t carry around such a large amount of cash if one can’t afford to lose said cash. Of course Kim Bogue prayed to God to help her and apparently the god of honest homeless men decided to answer.

Workers at a nearby relief kitchen said the AHM always insists on paying for his food. "He has a very good heart," said Bogue, who gave the man a $100 reward. "If someone else found it, the money would be gone." Kim Bogue sounds like a cheap biznatch--if someone less fortunate than myself returned my $900 and credit cards they’d be getting a lot more than $100 and a pat on the back. [source]

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