Friday, May 19, 2006

Friday Tabloid Fragments with a little bit o'rant

Ok, believe it or not I'm a rather nice, cheerful person so I hate to talk about people in real life, especially non-famous people. Call me a loser but I plopped down on my fantastic couch this fine Friday evening and settled in with some hair glaze, three tabloids and a few season finales on my DVR. I was thoroughly enjoying my night until I came across a little article in my US Weekly on a fellow blogger. I used the whole "fellow blogger" term loosely because my gut instinct says something isn't right with this specific blogger (right now I have a big gut so there's a lot of instinct going on in there) and I'm rather new at this blogging stuff and I do it for fun so whatever. Anyway, this whole story goes on and on about how this blogger is the "Queen of all Media" and is friends with celebrities blah blah blah not interested. Here's the issue I have...there's a quote from John Stamos and it is as follows "[Blogger] is funny and handsome -- and I'm kissing his ass so he won't write anything bad about me." Sad. John Stamos should be kissing my ass because my ass is hot and so is John Stamos. I'm being literal. I don't care about famous people, I just want hot men kissing my ass. Oh well, at least when people compliment me on my wit and charm it's because they really mean it. If celebrities wouldn't do dumb shit and I didn't have ADD at work, I wouldn't write about them. No ass-kissing necessary. What else did I pay $3.49 for?

US Weekly also says Christina Aguilera got pissed of at her own party because someone pissed on her white carpet while her friend fucked someone on the couch. It's nice to see her friends are as classy as her. I couldn't really find anything else interesting in there except they're STILL promoting dressy shorts which is, well, interesting. Don't buy them...especially if they cost over $100. Take it from DC's #1 fashion investment banker - not a good trend to invest in. My $3.49 would've been better spend on a 40 oz.


Anonymous said...

classy as her

classy as *she*

xine said...

Aw. Someone wants to give me a Monday morning pronoun lesson.
I actually struggled with this sentence: the grammatically correct way of writing this is, "her friends are as classy as she." The way I wrote it "her friends are as classy as her" is now actually also grammatically acceptable. Things are ch-ch-changing and if you read current grammar books/guidelines, you’ll see this noted. The problem with writing “her friends are as classy as she” is that it sounds too formal for the rest of the blog entry. Nobody talks like that…especially when they’re talking about people pissing on carpets and celebrities kissing their ass. :)

OldWiseOne said...

I knew there was a reason I loved this blog! Your "fellow blogger" and his ginormous ego are becoming increasingly annoying as he manages to insinuate himself into nearly every "story" he reports. Check out the photos at A Socialite's Life to see him trying to get in the line of papparazzi fire, with his name bedazzled on the back of his horrific suit no less, just to ensure that everyone will know it is him.

xine said...

Thanks oldwiseone! That picture is hilarious! It just knocked me out of my after-lunch food coma. I totally needed that!

That suit should be illegal. In fact, I think it might already be illegal in the United States. I think we have ourselves a topic for a "Fashion Fix!"

Anonymous said...

What is that dude? A pink lady???

Anonymous said...

mmmkay, way back a whole year ago, i found peerez hilton's site and dug it. my friend advertised her (small) business on his site and he plugged her. i wrote to thank him. i told him he was my hero and he wrote back and was super sweet but then i turn around and he's hanging out with the celebs he's supposed to be reporting on/making fun of. BLEH! but i just found this site, and it rules.