Friday, July 14, 2006

Um, Can I Get a Diet Coke Instead?

Xtina Skankuilera samples the delights of a series of exotic cultures in Pepsi's latest publicity drive. The white-suit-red-lipstick-wearing singer finds herself a Bedouin in the desert, dancing the samba in Rio de Janeiro, hitting a high note in snowy Prague and shaking her booty in a Japanese geisha bar, before she is transported back to the relative normality of a New York recording studio.
"I had a great time," she said. "It was fun to dress up and to be myself."
She used to promote Coke, but last year she switched sides to Pepsi in a deal said to be worth 2 million buckaroos. That's what I call makin' bank!
Click HERE to see the commercial.


Anonymous said...

she looks cross-eyed in that last photo

xine said...

I'm always that person at the restaurant that says "I'll have a diet pepsi" and then the server is like "is diet coke ok?"

No bitch, a diet coke isn't ok. If I said diet pepsi I mean it. Now go to the store and get me a diet pepsi. I tip extremely well.