Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Family That Plays Together Stays Together

Here are some pictures of Lindsay Lohan and mother-of-the-year Dina Lohan. It'll be more fun to assume these pictures were all taken the same night and that Dina was the one taking most of the pictures-- so let's assume that. Do you remember that childhood urban legend that if you made a funny face and (the wind would blow, someone would hit you on the back, etc.) it would stay that way? Yeah, I wish that would happen to Dina Lohan as the picture on the upper left was taken. Time for anaysis: there is at least one visible bottle of liquor in this set of pictures (Jack Daniels -- bottom left), an unknown substance on the nightstand (bottom left again--insert the all-too-obvious Jack and coke joke here) and Lindsay is partially naked in two pictures (top right and bottom right). Wait, I just described a regular weekend with my friends. No seriously, why are we supposed to believe she's a good girl who is always sober and on-time for work?The lesson learned from this is actually not "don't leave 'do not eat' silicone pouches or other small, white items on your dresser while people are taking pictures of you because someone could zoom in on it, interpret as cocaine and then spread it all over the internet," it's that Lindsay Lohan is a total slob. People in trailers live cleaner than this:[pix source]

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