Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Oh Mah Gawd

Here are several scans from the August 2006 issue of Fashion Rocks - a magazine I've never heard of, and couldn't care less about, cept that my boyfriend is on the cover. Now, you Celebrity Hijinx readers are probably wondering when this little fantasy of mine is going to come to and end, and some of you may be sick of reading about my torrid love affair with JT. But you call can suck it, cause JT is way hot, so STFU!
No, seriously, I love you all... but JT is my boy - he just doesn't know it yet.

Click here to read the article, which is way less exciting than these pictures. He does talk a little smack on Britney, which is probably worth reading the article for. You can be the judge.


celebritygone said...

I read the article, it is worth reading to hear him say that but the pictures are def. better than the article itself...it's good to know that someone out there still sees it the same way I do :)

Anonymous said...

Did you hear that Dino? He is "so much more handsome in person."

Anonymous said...

After I posted that comment last night I was looking at this magazine that accompanied my Lucky this month...and it was THE magazine. So if you want to hang those pictures on your wall I can send 'em.

Anonymous said...

Dino I am with you! I cannot get enough of him! He needs to get rid of that hag girlfriend already and realize that either you or I or both can make him so much happier...