Friday, September 08, 2006

Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

Is Paris Hilton's fantasy island finally coming to an end?

Hours after paparazzi swarmed the Hollywood police station where the celebutante was booked for investigation of drunk driving, she told radio host Ryan Seacrest people were making too big a deal out of her arrest. "Everything I do is blown out of proportion and it really hurts my feelings," said Hilton, who called the incident "nothing." You know, because drunk driving isn't bad. Paris is just so used to handcuffs that when the police handcuffed her she thought they were hitting on her. Is she seriously serious??? We're hurting her feelings because she drove drunk, was caught, the police didn't let her go and it was reported in the news. Her feelings might be hurt but she's lucky someone's life was not. Hold on a crocodile tears just smeared my mascara.

Paris' excuse was that she hadn't eaten all day and was "starving." So the one-time pitchwoman for Carl's Jr. said she decided to visit a neighborhood In-N-Out burger stand. "So maybe I was speeding a little bit and I got pulled over," she said, denying that she was driving recklessly. "I was just really hungry and I wanted to have an In-N-Out burger," she said.

She must've forgot the fact that she had a .08 percent blood-alcohol level, the minimum to warrant an arrest in California. According to a national research study, a 137-pound woman would need to consume three drinks in one hour on an empty stomach to reach a .08 blood-alcohol level. Paris probably weighs a bit less than that (...she's 5'9" and she's not a total toothpick). Paris might know a thing or two about the validity of SCIENTIFIC PROOF had she not dropped out of high school. [source]

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