Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Guess The Weight Game...

I don't care what Kirstie Alley says, there's no way in the history of overweight women that she could be 5'8", have enough thighs and breats for a KFC family meal deal bucket and weigh 145 pounds. Not happening....not in this universe or at thetan level or anything. Now I know she lost a lot of weight. In fact, I don't doubt that she lost 75 pounds. I just don't think she was starting off at 220. I think she was starting off at 260 and is now down to 185. Trust me, I'm good at this stuff. I could work at carnivals. Click on the picture to watch the thunda chunda.


Anonymous said...

her thighs/crotch are swallowing that poor bikini bottom.

Anonymous said...

no way in hell

i'm 145 at 5'5 and i am much skinnier than this

Anonymous said...

That's because 145 is a skinny, healthy weight. Most people aren't 95lbs. Although she doesn't look hideous, she needs to lose a little bit more before she runs around like that.

Anonymous said...

ok, i think the veil/sheet thingy she was holding up was a joke! if you notice, she didn't show the back of her legs bc from what i'm guessing, there's too much cottage cheeeese back there!