Thursday, December 21, 2006

Just When I Thought My Morning Couldn't Get Any More Stressful

I always have a ridiculously difficult time waking up in the morning. I set my alarm 20 minutes fast in a continuously failed attempt to psychologically trick myself into waking up earlier. Actually I set 4 different alarms, but who's counting. Nothing less than a crane, some crystal meth, an electric shock and 8 pots of coffee could get me out of bed on-time in the morning. So my friend sent me this idea: Clocky - The alarm clock that runs away and hides when you don't wake up. Clocky gives you one chance to get up. But if you snooze, Clocky will jump off of your nightstand and wheel around your room looking for a place to hide. Clocky is kind of like a misbehaving pet, only he will get up at the right time. Set your snooze time, 0-9 min
Snooze once before he runs away
Choose 0 and he runs right away
Jumps from 2 feet
Moves on wood and carpet
Press snooze to view time at night
Screen flashes when beeping/running
Alarm beeps in random pattern
Comes in white or shag

This is the best (yet still somehow the worst) idea EVER. [thanks Dan!]


Anonymous said...


You might try this too:

Anonymous said...

that brown one looks like a piece of shit with wheels