Friday, February 03, 2006

Another Stolen Diary


Rule #1: IF YOU ARE A CELEBRITY, DON'T MAKE A SEX TAPE. That shit'll be on the internet before you even blow your load!

Rule #2: IF YOU ARE A CELEBRITY, DON'T KEEP A JOURNAL. AND IF U DO, DON'T TAKE THAT SHIT OUTTA THA HOUSE! (and even then, your maid, Maria-Louisa is gonna steal that shit and sell it for mad dough to get you back for constantly asking for QUESA-DILLAS!)

It doesn't take a freakin' rocket scientist to know that people are out there that want to steal the phone numbers in your phone, want to get their hands on ANY kind of sex tape you've made since you were 6, AND bitches want to get their hands on your freakin' sordid journals you dumbasses keep. If you're gonna keep a journal, expect that shit to be published online. In fact, write in it expecting it to be published.

Paris Hilton's freakin diary got stolen. It was like a minute and a half ago that HOhan's diary got ganked. Well, it's actually even dumber than that. She left about 18 journals in some random storage unit and they were seized by someone broker named David Hans Schmidt who's trying to sell them for 20 MILLION DOLLARS!!!!

She's no Pulitzer Prize winning writer. This dude is just reading her journals to see who she banged. Ooo0oo OOOooo... I KNOW.... i dont' give a shit! Bitch Please. You have a venerial disease!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I want credit where credit is due!