Thursday, June 22, 2006

Find A Penny, Pick it Up...and give it to KFed

The cost to produce a single penny has exceeded its face value due to rising commodity prices. It's gone from .94 cents in 2005 to 1.4 cents, causing lawmakers to propose banning the annoying little coin. If I gave you one chance to guess the first “celebrity” advocate for “Saving the Penny,” who would you guess? I'll give you a penny if you get it right.

If you guessed Kevin Federline you were right.

In an effort to promote its new text messaging service that allows customers to send messages for only a penny, Virgin Mobile said it would begin collecting signatures for a "Save the Penny" petition to convince lawmakers to save the single-cent piece from possible extinction. Kevin Federline lent his support for the penny at a press conference on Wednesday. "I feel good about the penny," said Federline, speaking to a crowd of reporters and onlookers from the center of Times Square, before signing his name to the petition.

Of course he feels good about the penny, if we lose the penny he’ll have to start giving Shar Jackson nickels. I'm one of those people who always throws pennies on the ground when I get them. I can't stand them. They fill up my wallet and they're worth like one cent which buys you NOTHING. Even a whole handful of them can't get you much more than a nasty piece of gum. [source]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I once bought a small Rita's italian ice using all pennies. I heart the penny. :-)