Friday, June 16, 2006

Um, people are the top of the food chain, PETA

Those nutters from PETA ambushed our dear Beyonce (and her mom, and Solange) at Nobu in NY last night. Ebay auctioned off a dinner with B. to benefit Vh1's worthwhile charity, Save the Music. Turns out the two winners were plants from PETA. As soon as they placed their orders, the crazies pulled out a DVD player to show the ladies graphic footage of animals being killed for fur. Click on the video (left) to see their undercover taping. B's face says it all. You know Beyonce is try to figure out a way to get Jigga-man down there and show those bitches what's what.



Anonymous said...

Good for PETA!! F' that fur wearin' ho, shit aint right.

Anonymous said...

Save a tree, eat a PETA.

Anonymous said...

fuck fur.

xine said...

eat meat adrienne.

"so if I wear fur in Aspen I'll be ok, right? Those people don't still spray paint fur coats do they?"

Anonymous said...

lol i cracked up when i saw ur reply!