Friday, July 14, 2006

Cockeyed Celebrity

A while back I did a little thing on Brittany Murphy and her insanely asymmetrical eyes. Now I'm adding Shannen Doherty to my list of extremely-cockeyed celebrities -- a low-incidence subgenre of the "wonky eye." Here's Shannen: Time for the eye exam:I don't know why it took me most of my life to notice that optical abnormality! Her left eye is like 25 feet higher than the left. Too bad they don't have a surgical procedure that could move that shit down a few inches. On the plus side, if Shannen and Brittany swapped 1/2 of their face in a face transplant, they could make a pretty even couple....or if Shannen gets into a fistfight, she doesn't have to worry about her eyes getting screwed up. There should be some kind of law against them posing straight-on for the camera. Don't they know anything about turning your head to the side and tilting?


Anonymous said...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.

Unknown said...

The line you added to show that their eyes are "cockeyed" (which their eyes are not) is not correct. The line should have been tilted to the tilt of their heads.