Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Not-So-Ambiguously Gay Duo

There was a teeny tiny eensy weensy mention in today's PageSix regarding an alleged sighting of Mr. Lance Bass and Reichen What's-his-face from Survivor at the Atlantic House Bar (otherwise known as the A-House, yes I've been there once or twice, and yes, I was fully clothed).

We've known about these two for a while now. How's come no one can snap a picture of these two out and about? I know there are weird people out there that carry their cameras around with them hoping to capture some newsworthy goings-on. Just yesterday, my best friend video taped two latina girls fightin' on the sidewalk ... talkin' some el chupacabra shit... and he taped them until the cops came. So I know some fag in the A-House had a camera phone wedged in their butt crack, so why no pics?


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