Monday, October 09, 2006

Celebrity Deathmatch 8: Sienna Miller vs. Pittsburgh

While I don't normally see eye-to-eye with Sienna Mille, her fug fashion choices, flat acting and grimy man, we do share sentiments about one thing: Pittsburgh. In town for the filming of "The Mysteries of Pittsburgh," Sienna Miller tells Rolling Stone magazine in an article that she's stuck in "Shitsburgh." At the Omni William Penn hotel, Downtown, she told a magazine reporter at the bar, "Can you believe this is my life? Will you pity me when you're back in your funky New York apartment and I'm still in Pittsburgh? I need to get more glamorous films."

Of course in order to save herself from the possible yinzer revolt and tiring, cold October swim to shore after being thrown from a steel barge into the often-opaque Allegheny river, Sienna issued this statement via her publicist:

From: Sloane, Leslie
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 1:39 PM
Subject: Statement from Sienna MillerI want to apologise for my comments which seem to have been misconstrued and taken out of context. I was referring to the fact that we are shooting almost all night shoots on this film and none of us have had an opportunity to fully explore the city. What I have seen of it is beautiful. I came once before to visit the Andy Warhol museum whilst researching a film and found both the city and it's inhabitants warm and gracious. My father is from Meadville and is in town to show me round this weekend. I sincerely apologise and hope people realise that conversations can be easily manipulated in print.

You know, even after previously living in the steel city for many years, I still can’t come up with more than one context for "Shitsburgh." It is really just so easy to see how "this city is beautiful and its inhabitants warm and gracious" can be manipulated into "this city is a piece of shit" with all that Brit spelling …and when all else fails, she couldn’t possibly be offending the city when her father is from a small town 85 miles north of the city. Didn't anyone tell her you're not allowed to call Pittsburgh "Shitsburgh" unless you actually live/lived there? I sincerely hope they have fun while her dad shows her round.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fuck that ugly, skanky, walking STD.