Monday, October 09, 2006

I Spy Something Illegal

Let's ignore the fact those girls behind Paris look like they despise her AND she seems to have grown a post-DUI belly pooch -- only because she opened her purse to Italian photographers to reveal this:Truthfully, I'm also not really concerned about a possibly-Photoshopped bag of really cheap, seedy weed because I spy a glass vial containing white powder in Paris Hilton's purse.
While not addressing the vial, Paris' butt wiper/publicist, Elliot Mintz did address the bag o' weed by saying, "Things are not always as they appear. It would be unfair to draw any conclusions based solely on these photos." We were really looking at a magical leprechaun that turns itself into a bag of weed when exposed to flashing lights.

Earlier this morning I was looking at the Department of State's travel warnings for Kuwait when I came across a little link for "drugs abroad." Out of curiosity I clicked on the link and came across some facts about Americans being arrested abroad for drug-related charges. I swear this site was written for Paris. Here are some bits:

  • It is your responsibility to know what the drug laws are in a foreign country before you go, because "I didn''t know it was illegal" will not get you out of jail.
  • You may say "it couldn''t happen to me" but the fact is that it could happen to you if you find yourself saying one of the following: ... "I''m an American citizen and no foreign government can put me in their jail." ... "If I only buy or carry a small amount, it won''t be a problem."
  • The U.S. Consular Officer CANNOT demand your immediate release or get you out of jail or the country!

If you are caught buying, selling, carrying or using drugs -- from hashish to heroin, marijuana to mescaline, cocaine to quaaludes, to designer drugs like ecstacy....

  • Interrogation and Delays Before Trial - including mistreatment and solitary confinement for up to one year under very primitive conditions
  • Lengthy Trials - conducted in a foreign language, with delays and postponements
  • Weeks, Months or Life in Prison - some places include hard labor, heavy fines, and/or lashings, if found guilty
  • The Death Penalty - in a growing number of countries

That sounds like a gossip smorgasboard!


Anonymous said...

thats not coke, idiot

xine said...

My, you're nasty.

You better test your reading comprehension skills before you start calling people "idiots." I never said it was coke. I said it looked like a glass vial with white powder. ..and it does.
Black top, glass vial, white powder.

Anonymous said...

then what is it? heroin, fuckface? speed perhaps? how do you know? were you there doing the stuff with her?

Anonymous said...

It could be some special antibiotic to kill her cooch cooties.

Anonymous said...

I know a lot of people who keep their coke stash in little vials like that. I bet anon 2:29 doesn't even know what coke looks like anyway.

Anonymous said...

to respond to someone on the computer in a confrontational manner… is there anything more sad?

And the point was that what was in the purse didn’t resemble ANYTHING.

Anonymous said...

you are so right.... i have no idea what coke looks like... good job!!! great investigative conclusion!

Anonymous said...

I love it when people admit to their drug habits in such a public forum. "you are so right.... i have no idea what coke looks like..."

Spoken like a true coke head.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and oldwiseone, might I add, I think you've got the correct answer.

Anonymous said...

sarah.... you have made my day.


i had no idea sarcasm could be used to label an anonymous person a drug addict.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Who knew one silly/fun little post could cause so much controversy. There’s a lesson to be learned in all of this… had the word “idiot” not been included in the very first comment, this whole flurry of negative comments wouldn’t have happened.

Anonymous said...

i had no idea bloggers were so sensitive to the word "idiot"
