A Day In The Life
It looks like Britney woke up, ripped out her bad extensions and slapped on some cheap, dark dye. Then she barely rinsed out the dye, towel dried her hair, ran her fingers through it and headed out to a club wearing only a black dress and yesterday's eye makeup.Then she came home, didn't shower, slept until noon, woke up, remembered she had a lunch date with some new, broke (?) loser, pulled her up her dirty hair, threw on a red dress, went to some restaurant and made out with the new guy...only to be photographed by someone's grainy cell phone camera. The end.
You would think she'd wait until the divorce was finalized to start with the PDA. Then again, if I was a hungover Britney Spears, I would probably go to lunch looking like shit with a gay friend and then make out with him for attention just to see what losers on the internet would say...
I just called that guy BROKE, a LOSER and GAY and I still haven't even seen his face. Whatever, his jeans are ugly.
I guess the skank forgot she has two infants at home. Maybe the herpes has creeped up to her brain.
He's ugly
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