Questionable Quotes: Dakota Fanning
I've decided to start picking on someone smaller than me: Dakota Fanning. She's all annoying and creepy and like 42 in a 12 year-old body but I have to admit - in the turbulent world of child actors, the girl has staying power. She's my new "it" girl....for today at least. Here she is reminding us that in the turbulent world of child actors, there are reasons why one might be annoying and creepy and 42 in a 12 year-old body:She may get raped in her next movie - currently titled "The Untitled Dakota Fanning project" - but Dakota Fanning, 12, thinks it's "wonderful." In an interview with, Fanning said of her movie, which will debut at Sundance, "I don't think that anybody should be talking about it yet because nobody's seen it yet, you know? . . . It's a wonderful film, and I'm really proud to be in it. I can't wait for people to see it."
I could think of numerous adjectives I'd use to describe child rape before "wonderful." I smell an Oscar.
I'm happy to learn that I'm not the only one who finds this kid irritating as hell. Pick away Xine.
She's on Oprah right now. Wouldn't it be nice if there was, say, one adult in Hollywood/TV-land/the damn media who'd be willing to stand up and say "What the hell's going on here? Is this is a kid, or a super-intelligent soulless (I say soulless because it's/she's an actor) child?" But no, we get the vapid stars of talk shows fawning over this freakish young girl who's so clearly on the road to a serious emotional crisis. Good job, guys. No, no, don't ask tough or honest questions. Just keep pretending that you don't go backstage after a Fanning interview and wonder what the hell just happened. Oh, and according to ABC/Disney employees, Dakota's "amazing."
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