Thursday, January 25, 2007

Dick Cheney Gets Mad. Careful, He May Shoot You

Wolf Blitzer talked to VP Dick Cheney in an interview that aired on The Situation Room last night, and at the end of the interview asked about Dick's lesbian daughter Mary. Dick wasn't too happy about that:

Q We're out of time, but a couple of issues I want to raise with you. Your daughter Mary, she's pregnant. All of us are happy. She's going to have a baby. You're going to have another grandchild. Some of the -- some critics, though, are suggesting, for example, a statement from someone representing Focus on the Family:

"Mary Cheney's pregnancy raises the question of what's best for children. Just because it's possible to conceive a child outside of the relationship of a married mother and father, doesn't mean it's best for the child."

Do you want to respond to that?


Q She's obviously a good daughter --

THE VICE PRESIDENT: I'm delighted -- I'm delighted I'm about to have a sixth grandchild, Wolf, and obviously think the world of both of my daughters and all of my grandchildren. And I think, frankly, you're out of line with that question.

Q I think all of us appreciate --

THE VICE PRESIDENT: I think you're out of -- I think you're out of line with that question.

Q -- your daughter. We like your daughters. Believe me, I'm very, very sympathetic to Liz and to Mary. I like them both. That was just a question that's come up and it's a responsible, fair question.

THE VICE PRESIDENT: I just fundamentally disagree with your

The full transcript of Cheney's interview, in which he also dismissed as "hogwash" notions that mistakes made in the Iraq war may have hurt his and the administration's credibility, can be found at the TPM Muckraker.


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