Friday, September 28, 2007

I'm Sorry Too


I, like Xine and Cheray, have been avoiding the blog like the two $40 parking tickets I've been ignoring in my car. The only difference is that I've avoided that parking tickets for more than 21 days, which means they're probably worth a little more now. I wish my bank account did shit like that... you know, if you promise not to touch the money, in 21 days, it would double. Or sex... you know, if you abstain for 21 days, you'll have twice the amount sex.

I guess it's obvious that I'm broke and haven't had sex in a while.

Anyhow, I almost couldn't remember my password when I tried to log on. Forgive me, readers. I just started grad school and between Thirsty Thursdays and trying to get to know all the "just-add-two-beers-bisexual-party-starters" in my program, I haven't had time to blog.

Please accept this photograph of my boyfriend, Justin Timberlake as my sincerest apology.

*please note the bulging biceps, the well-defined abdomen, and maybe I'm dreaming this up, but I feel like I can see the outline of his wiener*

1 comment:

basily22 said...

no worries...I understand life's busy. Just know I really enjoy reading you all.