Thursday, March 16, 2006

Britney Speared

Britney Spears was running around barefoot in a Hawaiian parking lot like a good hillbilly and she got a hypodermic needle stuck in her foot; a situation that should've happened long ago considering her predilection for frolicking barefoot in places like gas station bathrooms. That’ll teach her. She was rushed to the hospital where tests proved the needle was unused and tests also confirmed she's an idiot. Forget about all of the nasty diseases lingering in gas station bathrooms, it takes a hypodermic needle to the foot for this girl to care about catching something. The cut was disinfected and she’s been released back into society to do more stupid things. A source said “It was more the shock of seeing the needle poking out of her foot - as you can imagine. All sorts of things race through your mind in that situation. The conclusion we would all jump to is that it was discarded by a drug user. Britney was distraught but brave." She deserves a big badge of courage that girl. Yep…a badge of courage in the form of a slap upside her head. She's married to Kevin Federline… having a stranger’s hypodermic needle sticking out of her foot should be the least of her worries. [source]


Anonymous said...

where are the junkies when you need one???

Anonymous said...

this is so gross...but honestly, what kind of an ass walks into a public gas station bathroom with no shoes on? ewwwww. I don't even want to touch the doorknob with my bare hands. *puke*

Anonymous said...

Hell, I won't even kick flush a toilet in a gas station bathroom. Someone send that bitch to an outhouse on the bayou, maybe a croc will eat her on the way.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that happened to her stupid ugly ass. Maybe now she will learn to keep her shoes on her big smelly ass feet.

Anonymous said...

wow it is so hard to be the poste child for white trash...oh well...whateva