Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Donald Trump and Disappearing Acts

Donald Trump is once again acting as if he's some omniscient being-- this time commenting on Britney Spears (again):

Even the Donald, a daddy for the fifth time last week, thinks Brit-Brit's supposed bun in the oven would be a big mistake. Huge, giant mistake. “What has happened to Britney?” Trump asked. “She’s put her very successful career on hold to get married and have a baby. Lots of women do that but there’s something that just doesn’t look right here. The husband? I don’t know. I’ve just never been a big fan. I hope he’s OK. He certainly seems to be spending lots of her money.” I guess Donald Trump doesn't care much for Kevin Spederline. What's not to like, Don? This dude doesn't dance anymore, can't rap worth a shit, doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, but somehow managed to marry the world's wealthiest pop star princess - and got the bitch preggars!

Britney could learn a lesson or two from Trump. He knows about spouses spending away fortunes but he usually picks ‘em pretty and with nice, little foreign accents. See, call me crazy, but it appears to me that Donald thinks Kevin married Britney for her money. I'm sure Melania's marriage to Donald has everything to do with his finely styled comb-over and nothing to do with his fortune. The only difference between Melania and Kevin? She doesn't have kids from another man and she stands around looking pretty. Aside from that I'm sure she can't rap, dance or tell her ass from a hole in the ground either.

In other news, Britney must’ve hired Master Magician Lance Burton to her entourage because her bump #2 pulled a magical disappearing act in just a week or two.

Yee haw...has Britney been pill poppin' some RU-486 ? That or I need the secret ingredients to whatever diet she's on!

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