Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Uncomfortably Numb

Could she be less interested or interesting in this interview? I need a martini just to get rid of the hangover I got from watching her interview while she's hungover. I bet Matt Lauer was so excited that she got all dressed up in her bathrobe and leggings for him.

Substance abuse? Who me? The fucked up girl talking to you? How uncomfortable. She's gonna squirm right out of that seat. "I work harder than most of my friends' parents" which probably doesn't say much because I don't think Paris Hilton's parents really work. Oh, and you know Meryl Streep only said that shit about her to try to get people to come to that movie.


xine said...

She sniffs at least 3 times while they're talking about the drug thing. She can't look him in the eye.

Anonymous said...

she doesn't make eye contact once in that whole interview. she's shifting and sniffing.
could be nothing, but doesn't look very good.