Subterranean Animal!! (I called this shit)

It has also, on occasion, been observed in more terrestrial areas such as Payless shoe stores and Taco Bell.
proof and consequence. not all experience is created equally
Posted by
Thursday, June 29, 2006
DUDE! My dad has a copyright on that phrase... you owe me $10 already i'll keep tacking it on biotch!
Please let "dumb Bitty" (Elisabeth Hasselwhatever) be the next one to leave the show. However, keep her around long enough for Rosie to tear into her. It'll be kinda like watching a cat maul & eat a vicious rat. In the meantime, Barbara will be sitting pretty with a contented little smile thinking of how good this will be for the ratings. Oh, & as for Star, I have one word: "HUBRIS".
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