YOUR 15 MINUTES: Aren't French People Stupid Enough Already?
An 18-year-old French girl was hospitalized with scaly skin on her legs and hands, appearing unsteady and mentally sluggish.
Now I know that a description like that could be applied a number of ways. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'd describe a vagina as having scaly skin, or some old fart as being unsteady and mentally sluggish. FUNNY only cause this girl was hospitalized for HUFFING MOTHBALLS! Yah... mothballs... like those little white balls my grandmother smelled like. R.I.P.
Doctors found the condition puzzling, especially since the girl's twin sister displayed similar, but less severe, symptoms and there was no family history of the problem. Both girls had been using the mothballs to get high, inhaling air from the bag for about 10 minutes a day because classmates had recommended it. The sicker of the girls also had been chewing half a mothball a day for two months. YUMMERS!
May I recommend chewing half a cow pie instead? You know, otherwise known as cow pats, pasture patties, or meadow muffins. Not a fresh one... wait till it hardens. I hear that shit gets you fucked up!
Scaly skin, ah hahahahahaha!!! Moth balls turn you into a lizard!
h ha ha i saw Gina huff a mothball on Sunday:)
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