FASHION FIX: Pseudo-Media Pseudo-Celebrity Pseudo-Fashionista
Remember this?I know, I know...I'm sorry to remind you but did I at least evoke an early-afternoon laugh? The other day Celebhijinx reader oldwiseone suggested we bring out our #1 hall of famer in our all-star hall of fashion fug: Perez Hilton. Well, "gossip journalist" (at least that's what he likes to call himself) Perez Hilton is at it again with his fugliness. Just when you thought he'd learn his lesson from the Madonna-on-her-way-to-the-2001-LA-opening-of-the-movie-Snatch/John-Travolta-during-his-overweight-stage-but-in-his-Saturday-Night-Fever-costume-with-a-redesigned-jacket-inspired-by-the-Pink-Ladies-and-the-Energizer-Bunny-minus-the-drum-and-sunglasses-pink-razr outfit, he goes and does this:
Someone needs to slap Perez Hilton and remind him that he's NOT Paris Hilton. For a second, I almost feel a little bad for him - with a face like that, I imagine his middle and high school experiences weren't easy...and he's on a parade of ridicule again.
Paris Hilton recently said "I'll pick out two outfits, one which is disgusting and one nice and I'll ask my 'friend' what they think. If they go for the revolting one, I cut them out of my life." She then obviously gives the revolting outfit to her "friend" Perez.
Jealous, much?
of what?
OK, bb, I'm going to defend my girl xine because that comment was just way too much for me to handle. No, xine is not jealous of a couch surfing slob. She has a job, a nice house and writes the blog because she writes well and is witty. She makes me laugh at least 4x/day just from her blogging. She goes to nice places because she can, not because she's a celebrity stalker. bb, I think you really might be Perez himeself because I don't think anyone else could have made such a stupid comment.
i feel a little like a broken record here... though perhaps some readers need a BLOG 101 instructional video. listen, i'm about one paris hilton vaginal secretion away from posting a picture of myself and ripping it to shreds, TO PROVE once and for all that this is a blog meant to entertain, and we take shots at a lot of people, including ourselves. make peace with yourself BB and be cleansed. make love, not war. and then, if you still don't get it, go fuck yourself and leave xine alone. k? k.
what an asshole. like anyone would be jealous of piggy perz standing next to his fake cousin the slam pig. i don't know xine but she's a funny writter and i'm sure she doesn't look like that hot mess
HA! xine I knew you would rock that fashion fix as always. He really has a thing for the pink tones doesn't he?
As for you bb, remember that the Pink Elephant wants to be a celebrity and constantly puts his own ugly mug out there for ridicule. Snarking in this manner on a public persona like the one he shoves down our throats doesn't mean one is jealous, merely witty.
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